STAR STYLE: The Footwear News 2009 Achievement Awards

And now, it’s time to show you some party photos from the Footwear News Achievement Awards. Photos are by Alicia J. Crall.

Let’s start with hysterical Christian Louboutin Knockoffs highlight of the evening Giuseppe Zanotti, who clowned around with his fashion plate, Ashanti.

Ashanti said in her speech that when she wants to make her boyfriend realize how hot she is, she puts on a pair of Zanottis.

Giuseppe couldn’t resist doing the headscarf look for us after his speech. Is he going to sweep us off to Arabia?

Georgina Chapman (right), who told us her favorite shoes right now are by Tabitha Simmons.

Steve Madden Christian Louboutin Online and friends.

Alexandre Birman and his lovely lady.

And her Alexandre Birman shoes!

Alexandre Birman’s friends.

And their gorgeous Alexandre Birman shoes.

Footwear News publisher Marc Berger.

Footwear News Editor Michael Atmore and friends.

And their shoes, of course!

Some partygoers:

It was a lovely time. Thanks Louboutin Pumps Sale for having us, Footwear News.

Par christianpump le mardi 16 août 2011


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