San Francisco: Secrets of the CHANEL Handbag

Hey San Francisco snobs, if you are out shopping this weekend, you must stop by the CHANEL boutique for the “Secrets of the CHANEL Handbag” event. It’s a really special exhibit and it gives you the opportunity to see how the CHANEL handbag is made. Plus you’ll learn about all the little secrets of Mademoiselle Chanel’s coach crossbody bags handbag! Did you know the 2.55 was inspired by military bags and Mademoiselle Chanel’s hanging binoculars?!?!! She wanted her hands free from cumbersome handbags so she could roam about at the horse races. The 2.55 CHANEL bag has no more than 7 coach totes on sale pockets, including the back pocket dubbed “Mona Lisa Smile” and the hidden flap pocket for money and love notes. And do you know why the interior is burgundy? It was in memory of her orphan’s uniform when she was young. The iconic CHANEL quilting? Inspired by the young boys who worked at the coach backpacks racecourses! Find out more fun secrets at the event this weekend.

Secrets of the CHANEL Handbag

November 13 – 14, 2010

CHANEL San Francisco

135 Maiden Lane

Par christianpump le mardi 16 août 2011


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