Nancy Gonzalez Supports Bag Snob and Lupus LA

The amazing and elegant Nancy Gonzalez is involved in charitable causes around the world and Lupus LA is lucky to be one of the recipients cheap replica handbags of her generosity and love. You are all going to go insane over this live auction package for the Hollywood Bag Ladies Luncheon – she is opening up her beautiful private showroom to meet with the illustrious Santiago Gonzalez and to shop for a tote and clutch of choice. Any tote louis vuitton speedy bags and any clutch from the dizzying array of bags!! This is going to be the toughest shopping decision of one lucky girl’s life =) And here is the clincher, you are going to want to be friends with whoever wins this package, because any additional bags will be sold at an incredible discount.

A big huge hug to Nancy and Santiago Gonzalez for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you just is not enough to convey our love and appreciation of your Monogram Canvas generous support. Shop Nancy Gonzalez at Bergdorf Goodman.
Par christianpump le mardi 16 août 2011


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